The Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet rich plasma treatment therapy offers a range of benefits for patients seeking non-invasive treatment options for various medical and aesthetic concerns. At Onward Health & Wellness, a premier wellness center in Salem, Oregon, PRP treatment is one of the many innovative therapies we offer to help our patients live their best lives.

Non-Surgical Approach

One of the key advantages of PRP therapy is its non-surgical nature. Unlike traditional surgical procedures, which often require lengthy recovery periods and carry the risk of complications, PRP therapy is minimally invasive and typically involves minimal downtime. This makes it an attractive option for patients looking to avoid surgery or for those who are not surgical candidates.

Natural Healing

PRP therapy harnesses the body’s own healing mechanisms to promote tissue repair and regeneration. Because the treatment utilizes the patient’s own blood, there is minimal risk of rejection or adverse reactions. This natural approach to healing appeals to many patients who prefer holistic or integrative treatment modalities.


PRP therapy is highly versatile and can be used to treat a wide range of medical and aesthetic concerns. From orthopedic injuries to dermatological conditions, PRP has applications across multiple specialties. Whether you’re seeking relief from joint pain, looking to improve your skin’s appearance, or hoping to stimulate hair growth, PRP therapy may offer a solution.

Long-lasting Results

Many patients experience long-lasting results with PRP therapy, especially when combined with other complementary treatments or lifestyle modifications. While individual outcomes may vary, PRP has been shown to promote tissue regeneration and improve symptoms in a variety of conditions, allowing patients to enjoy lasting relief and improved quality of life.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy offers a range of benefits for patients seeking non-invasive treatment options for various medical and aesthetic concerns. From its non-surgical approach and natural healing properties to its versatility and long-lasting results, PRP therapy is a promising option for those looking to optimize their health and well-being. At Onward Health & Wellness, our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and innovative treatments to help our patients achieve their goals.